Check out the new tools by eWebsiteServices. Now you can automatically count the character length of your text and generate valid meta tags.

I’m happy to announce we’ve recently launched two simple tools for you to use for your website or every day tasks. A few days ago I was talking to a client about generating meta tags and to create descriptions for me to use for their accounts but of course for proper optimization these have to be a certain amount of characters and I wasn’t about to ask the client to count each of her characters or download some proprietary tool like I have to help with these tasks. There are plenty of tools online that achieve this same goal but of course, being a developer, I’d rather us develop our own for anyone to use.

We initially created the meta tag generator and figured we could just use some of the code from this and create another entirely different tool. You can check out both these tools in Services > Tools. Check them out below! Let us know what you think or if you want us to add anything too it.


